CloCap-GS: Clothed Human Performance Capture with 3D Gaussian Splatting

Kangkan Wang1,2, Chong Wang1, Jian Yang1,2, Guofeng Zhang*3
1Key Lab of Intelligent Perception and Systems for High-Dimensional Information of Ministry of Education,
2Jiangsu Key Lab of Image and Video Understanding for Social Security,School of Computer Science and Engineering,
Nanjing University of Science and Technology, China

3State Key Laboratory of CAD&CG, Zhejiang University, China

Paper Code(Coming Soon)


Capturing the human body and clothing from videos has obtained significant progress in recent years, but several challenges remain to be addressed. Previous methods reconstruct the 3D bodies and garments from videos with self-rotating human motions or capture the body and clothing separately based on neural implicit fields. However, the reconstruction methods for self-rotating motions may cause instable tracking on dynamic videos with arbitrary human motions, while implicit fields based methods are limited to inefficient rendering and low quality synthesis. To solve these problems, we propose a new method, called CloCap-GS, for clothed human performance capture with 3D Gaussian Splatting. Specifically, we align 3D Gaussians with the deforming geometries of body and clothing, and leverage photometric constraints formed by matching Gaussians renderings with input video frames to recover temporal deformations of the dense template geometry. The geometry deformations and Gaussians properties of both the body and clothing are optimized jointly, achieving both dense geometry tracking and novel-view synthesis. In addition, we introduce a physics-aware material-varying cloth model to preserve physically-plausible cloth dynamics and body-clothing interactions that is pre-trained in a self-supervised manner without preparing training data. Compared with the existing methods, our method improves the accuracy of dense geometry tracking and quality of novel-view synthesis for a variety of daily garment types (e.g., loose clothes). Extensive experiments in both quantitative and qualitative evaluations demonstrate the effectiveness of CloCap-GS on real sparse-view or monocular videos.

Results on Different Datasets

Supplementary Video

Recovery results on outdoor and monocular videos

Application of garment editing and retargeting

We can edit the dress size and retarget the dress to a new person.


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    author = {Kangkan Wang, Chong Wang, Jian Yang, Guofeng Zhang*}, 
    title = {CloCap-GS: Clothed Human Performance Capture with 3D Gaussian Splatting}, 
    journal = {Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Image Processing},
    year = {2024},